ot driver assessments and vehicle modifications
Off-Road & On-Road driver assessments & support for drivers with medical conditions or disabilities to gain or retain their drivers license.
Active One OTs assist clients with medical issues or disabilities to obtain or retain their licence to drive a car. We do this by offering comprehensive OT driver assessments, driver rehabilitation and vehicle modifications for people with disabilities.
Our OT driving assessors are qualified and registered with VicRoads. We have a close working relationship with our driving instructors.
Our driving service is currently offered from our Frankston and Brighton clinics.
We work with private paying clients, and those with NDIS or TAC funding. Some clients can access a Medicare rebate or a contribution from their private health fund for some OT consultations.
OT Driver Assessments:
OT driver assessors play an important road safety role in assisting VicRoads to meet its responsibilities to ensure that licence holders are safe drivers.
The driver assessment process involves an Off-road evaluation and an On-road test in a dual controlled vehicle with a qualified Driving Instructor.
Our role as OT driver assessors is to assess drivers with a disability, and where required, trial and prescribe vehicle modifications/hand controls.
Once the assessment process is complete, the OT driver assessor is required to provide a report and recommendations to VicRoads.
An OT driver assessment can be initiated by:
GPs and Specialists
OTs or other health professionals
Clients, their families or carers
Driver Rehabilitation:
The OT driver assessor is also able discuss and make recommendations with regards to Specialised Driving Lessons, if it is considered that the individual requires such input as a result of their medical condition or disability.
Vehicle Modifications:
If vehicle modifications are required, our OT driver assessors will discuss options with you and arrange for you to visit a showroom and/or trial the proposed modifications.
The NDIS or TAC will fund changes to a vehicle or installation of equipment in a vehicle to increase the safety and accessibility for the participant and their carer(s) when transferring, driving, or travelling in the vehicle.
Vehicle modifications can be generally categorised into those that enable to person to drive a car, and those that improve accessibility and travel in/out of a car. Some examples include:
Facilitating driving of the vehicle with specialised controls i.e., gear shift lever, indicator adaptor, ignition key relocation and multifunction hand control
Enabling vehicle access with or without a wheelchair e.g., platform lift, ramp, winch system
Supporting wheelchair transfers in/out of a vehicle without lifting/carrying
Promote safe transportation when seated in the wheelchair
After completing the necessary trials, the OT will submit a detailed application to the NDIS or TAC to outline all the justifications as to why this driving technology/equipment is reasonable and necessary.