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Home safety assessments and modifications

A small or large change to your home can make all the difference to you feeling safe and confident.

OT Home Modifications

Home Safety Assessments

Home safety assessments are necessary to ensure that your home environment is as safe as possible with the aim of ensuring that you can remain living in your own home for as long as possible.


There are various situations that may indicate the need for a home safety assessment including:

  • returning home from hospital

  • experiencing a decline in mobility or function

  • an increase in care needs

  • frequent falls or near-misses


Active One OTs are skilled in observing and assessing a person’s safety and function within their home environment. We work with the client to determine potential solutions and recommendations for safety at home.


During a home safety assessment, the OT will observe the client using all areas of the home that are relevant to them including bathroom, kitchen, front/rear accesses, backyard and living room.


Home Modifications Assessment

Active One OTs are qualified to assist you to re-design areas of your home to ensure accessibility and safety to enable you to maximise your functional independence.


Home modifications are a core service offered by Active One OTs, and we can assist with all aspects of the process from assessment to overseeing installation. 


Home modifications are usually categorised by the complexity of the work involved i.e. minor or major.


Minor home modifications may include:

  • Grab rail or banister rails at stairs, access points or in a bathroom/toilet

  • Hand-held shower hose

  • Lever taps

  • Threshold ramps


Major home modification may include:

  • Level entry shower recess for wheelchair or wheeled commode access

  • Cavity sliding doors, widening doorways

  • Front/rear access modifications including ramps, banister rails, external lifts

  • Kitchen modifications for wheelchair accessibility (e.g. automated cupboards, wall mounted benches, and height adjustable shelving)

  • For NDIS participants, works that total over $30,000 are deemed major, or ‘complex’, and require an NDIS registered Building Works Project Manager to be involved


We will work closely with your builder and project manager (if relevant) to ensure the process from design to install is as seamless as possible, and we can assist with arranging temporary facilities (i.e. portable on-site bathroom) to use during the building phase.


When the works are completed, we will ensure they meet you and your carers’ needs, and assist you to be as safe as possible in your newly set up environment.

25 Yuille Street
Frankston Vic 3199

1 Moffat Street (next to StPeters Church)
Brighton Vic 3186

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11/10 Lakewood Boulevard

Carrum Downs Vic 3201


© 2020 Active One Health Professional Group. 

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